Is your brand at it’s
full potential?


Here are some easy steps to evaluate where your brand is right now, and how you can take action to move it in the direction you desire.



1.     Brainstorm!

Evaluate how you would like your customers to feel about your brand. You can brainstorm this. Use adjectives to describe…

a.     How you want your audience to see you

b.     How you want your audience to feel after interacting with you

c.     How you want your audience to feel after using your product or service

d.     How you want your audience to understand the effects of choosing you over the competition

e.     Which values you want your audience to feel like you represent.


2.   Narrow things down.

a.     Select the 3 most important adjectives in each category

b.     Select the 1 most important adjective in each category


3.   Contrast your expectations with reality.

a.     Make a list of 4-6 people you know and trust, who you believe are capable of giving you the hard, honest truth. Explain the exercise and make sure to tell them that whatever their feedback, it will be appreciated.

b.     Request their feedback individually, rather than as a group.

c.     Ask them to do a small brainstorm of their own to answer the questions in step 1.

d.     Do their perceptions match your desired attributes?


4.   Take action!

a.     Depending on the feedback, you may need to make changes – small or drastic.

b.     Consult with an expert to make sure you are making changes that lead you in the right direction.



We offer free 30-minute consultations to those of you who participated in our last workshop. In these sessions, one of our branding experts will give you advice to move your brand forward - in the right direction.

What are you waiting for?